Interim Survey of LTN21 by CAMTAG is now closed

Results are being processed and will follow shortly

Online Survey powered by SoGoSurvey
Provided by SoGoSurvey

Completing the Survey

The survey is only open to households in the LTN21 area and perimeter roads (see map) who have received a leaflet through their letterbox (see image).

The survey will require you to select your street name from a list. If your street name does not appear in the list, you will not be eligible to complete the survey.

The survey will follow a strict Data Protection policy to ensure that responses remain anonymous.

About The Survey

In August 2020, Ealing Council installed a traffic scheme named 'Low Traffic Neighbourhood: West Ealing (South): LTN21'. The scheme was implemented under an Experimental Traffic Order which includes a statutory consultation. Faced with a legal challenge to the Order, the Council issued a new Order which extends the public consultation period to August 2021.

In the Summer we will undertake a Full Survey, conducted door-to-door by CAMTAG Volunteers, which is aimed to achieve maximum participation and the highest levels of integrity. Results from this Survey will be published on the CAMTAG website. They will also, together with the results of the Full Survey, be included in CAMTAG's formal submission to the Council as part of its statutory consultation.

The CAMTAG Surveys are unique among the many other opinion gathering which is taking place because they are:

  • by residents, for residents, recognising the views of different sectors within the LTN;
  • specifically for households within LTN21 and those directly affected on the borders;
  • easy to complete and submit with unbiased questions to attract broad participation;
  • auditable and protected from manipulation, while still being anonymous.

CAMTAG : Coldershaw and Midhurst Traffic Action Group

The Coldershaw and Midhurst Traffic Action Group (CAMTAG) is a volunteer organisation formed by LTN21 residents. Its objective is to gather the views and experiences of all residents and businesses affected by the LTN21 Scheme. The LTN21 Scheme is exceptional among the Ealing LTNs because of its huge size (it encompasses close to 80 different roads), the length of the additional journeys it involves (the perimeter is 6.2 km long) and its complexity (the 11 barriers installed create in effect seven separate sectors).

Our aim is to present the views and experiences gathered from our Surveys to Ealing Council as part of the statutory consultation. Only by doing this will we be able to persuade the Council to modify the LTN21 Scheme in a way that a majority of residents in each of the LTN21 sectors will find acceptable.

For further information visit

Data Protection

The results of this survey will be aggregated by street and by area sector, which is why we need to record your street name. Your house number is collected solely for auditing purposes to confirm the autheticity of data collected. At no stage will it be viewed alongside responses to the survey and will be deleted following a successful audit or by 31st December 2021.